Artificial intelligence in sports communication in professional sports: the case of the spanish second division soccer




communication, advertising, public relations, artificial intelligence, sport, football


Technology is an integral part of our daily lives, and nowadays, we have witnessed the emergence of concepts like the metaverse and chatbots, with a growing trend for the future. Communication is being impacted by this revolution, both positively and negatively: there are tasks that, seemingly, can be performed by artificial intelligence (AI), thereby both facilitating and potentially endangering the future of certain job sectors. This study focuses on how second-tier football teams in Spain are adapting to these changes. Despite being a professional category in the sports industry, they lack the human and financial resources of elite division clubs. Communication departments of entities competing in this league during the 2022/23 season were interviewed. Collaborative efforts from eleven teams have shed light on the services being used, the tools favored by professionals, and the concerns within the profession. The majority of communication heads of clubs are indeed utilizing AI tools, but they do not fear losing their jobs due to the future implementation of this technology in their professional sphere. They trust AI to support their professional activities rather than supplant them.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Navarro, D., García Verdugo, V., Baptista Gil, F., & Falcão Alves, P. (2023). Artificial intelligence in sports communication in professional sports: the case of the spanish second division soccer. Pangea Journal of Communication, 14(1), 28–44.