Towards academic equity: a study on women's representation in the academic field of public relations in Spain




Spain, Communication, Public Relations, Gender, Women


Research on women in public relations has been the subject of study since the 1980s. However, studies have mainly focused on the professional sphere, leaving a knowledge gap in the academic sphere. In particular, in the Spanish context, research on women in public relations in academia is practically non-existent. This study aims to evaluate the representation of women in university academic activity in Spain in the field of public relations. Through a content analysis, it examined the presence of women in teaching positions, management positions in centres and/or departments and the direction of research projects. The results revealed some positive advances in the representation of women in academic activities, although it is evident that there is still a long way to go to achieve the desired stability and equality. This study contributes to the knowledge of women in the academic context of public relations. The findings can serve as a starting point for future research and action to address the inequalities and barriers faced by women in the field.

Author Biographies

Ileana Zeler, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Serra Hunter Fellow at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Isabel Ruiz Mora, Universidad de Málaga

Associate professor in the Audivisual Communication and Advertising department at the University of Malaga. 

Andrea Oliveira, Universidad de Málaga

Associate professor in the Audivisual Communication and Advertising department at the University of Malaga. 


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How to Cite

Zeler, I., Ruiz Mora, I., & Oliveira, A. (2023). Towards academic equity: a study on women’s representation in the academic field of public relations in Spain. Pangea Journal of Communication, 14(1), 13–27.