Evolution of Enological-tourism´s development in D.O. Ribera del Duero (2009-2010)


  • Mónica Matellanes Lazo Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes




Enoturismo, Marketing, Comunicación, Internet, Cultura Coorporativa, D.O. Ribera del Duero


The use of the internet bursts in a key moment for the enological tourism development in the D.O. Ribera del Duero region and, it is essential to get to know and control the use of this new channel’s elements to communicate in an efficient way the strategical plans of enological tourism management towards different audiences.

The purpose of this research is focus in the special interest of several publics in activities of enological tourism in Ribera del Duero area. Besides, there are a high number of winiries and companies which need this sector as a very important economic factor for the region. The main objective is to obtain a diagnosis about how is the development of enological tourism in the last year and the importance of communication to market this sector.

With some interviews to the pioneers of Ribera del Duero, solicitors and professionals of enological-tourism and the results of several questionnaires, we will obtain a current viewpoint of enological-tourism in Ribera del Duero. We obtain as a main result the importance of communication for this phenomenon and the change of several old winiries to practise activities of enological tourism to their stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Evolution of Enological-tourism´s development in D.O. Ribera del Duero (2009-2010). (2011). Pangea Journal of Communication, 2(1), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.52203/pangea.v2i1.24

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