A pandemic tour of technology-mediated teaching practices from the perspective of technological determinism
Technological determinism, COVID-19, Chicago School, Toronto School, Communication theoryAbstract
Technological determinism was born in the Chicago School with figures like William Ogburn, and shows us its most radical version in Jacques Ellul. But it will be Marshall McLuhan, promoter of the Toronto School, who transcends this approach, since technology goes from being the determining factor per se to the determining factor in social progress and planetary globalisation. The essence of these ideas lies in the autonomous capacity of technology, becoming the “determining factor”.
During the pandemic we have and are once again witnesses to this fact, and it is the analysis of it that is the purpose of this essay. Communication has been the subject of a redefinition on a global scale that highlights the inescapable presence of determinism in our days; so much so, that he unstoppably enters the classroom. Are technological determinism and teaching compatible? Can the former be a tool for the latter? We deal with that in the following lines.
Under these deterministic approaches and postulates, which are part of the traditions of communication studies, we propose to analyse as an essay the role that the media have played during the COVID-19 pandemic. Undoubtedly, this necessary revisionism and tension of classical theories with current contexts, loaded with uncertainties and relativisms, constitute a contribution to the necessary discussions that must take place.
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