What would Bomberito say? Televised political satire and democratic transition in Mexico


  • Frida V. Rodelo Universidad de Guadalajara




television, political satire, entertainment, politics


The fields of media and journalism have undergone major transformations globally since the mid-20th century. Different global trends have influenced the generation, arrival and simultaneous reinterpretation of television political satire formats in different parts of the world. In Mexico, the aftermath of the political transition has witnessed a growing presence of political satire programs on broadcast television and an increase in audiences that consume and inform themselves through it. Political satire is an interesting object of study because the observation of its qualities allows us to glimpse the freedoms and, therefore, also the constraints to which the expression of political opinion through television is subjected in a period of democratic openness. Based on the recognition of both the aforementioned global changes and the internal conditions that shaped the Mexican media system, as well as the construction of a narrative on the development of television satire in the period of democratic transition, this study identifies the main institutional and organizational conditions that during the democratic transition gave shape to this mode of communication.


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How to Cite

Rodelo, F. V. (2020). What would Bomberito say? Televised political satire and democratic transition in Mexico. Pangea Journal of Communication, 11(1), 79 – 94. https://doi.org/10.52203/pangea.v11i1.21