Approach to the notion of media education, case design of the master's degree in communication from the National Open University and Distance


  • Ángel Saúl Díaz Téllez Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de Colombia



Educomunicación, Maestría, Comunicación, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Colombia


As part of this proposed Master of Communication National Open University and Distance, in this case there is the argument that part of the Core would problemic: EDUCOMMUNICATION. This requires considering the position assumed. So, from this proposal are connected with a socio constructivist American vision of Communication.
Several authors suggest that Educomunication (Castro , 2011) is assumed as a field of study, before it is worth clarifying why. So, to understand the idea of ​​field, you can make use of the metaphor that have been used in physics (such as the area of ​​knowledge of natural sciences) to understand which field (natural space, open, etc.) Refers to a set of elements that are mapped to a point in space. In our case, it assumes that the space would become the communication as a macro phenomenon and since it appears , among others, a cluster of points (fields of study) as the educommunication. This implies a set of elements that would be sheltered by reason and common relationships .
It is pertinent to note that in this view, are studied aspects of education from communication, this implies the assumption that the first can be understood as a process and communication phenomenon. In that regard, it is assumed that:

The field Communication / Education is the interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary relationship between two disciplines with practical and professional relationships with objects themselves, interested in cultural transformations and the undeniable power of the media and new information technologies in the cultural transformations of the imaginary "society of communication and information" (Institute for Studies in communication and Culture, 2003 ).
With regard to the above mentioned, the central thesis is: Education from communication about understanding that education involves processes and phenomena of trade and production sharing of meaning in favor of the teaching and learning of communication as a way to active part of society. Such directions are possible from the context of the relationships established in the cultural circumstances and these are crossed, among other situations, subjectivities and intersubjective constructions ( Berger & Luckmann, 1997).
While it is true that education is recognized for its formal spaces such as school, college, etc., It is also necessary to coordinate other venues or spaces, non- formalized , which also would be part of education while the communication. As discussed, it is assumed for the design of this expertise on this core problematic from a vision of online communication in Latin America, supported by early socio constructivism.



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How to Cite

Díaz Téllez, Ángel S. (2013). Approach to the notion of media education, case design of the master’s degree in communication from the National Open University and Distance. Pangea Journal of Communication, 4(1), 212–228.