Extended and immersive classrooms: Projects and projections on the education of the future in Latin American universities





Extended Reality, Metaverse, Higher Education, Educational Transformation, Digital Immersion


This academic article examines the current landscape of extended realities and the metaverse in higher education institutions in Latin America. The research is based on a qualitative approach that includes the review of selected academic literature and a narrative design to explore educational projects in extended realities in countries such as Peru, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, and Spain. The study identifies the projects, challenges, and limitations faced by these institutions and examines their perspectives on the construction of an educational metaverse.

The research results include an analysis of the proto-metaverse platforms used and projections regarding education in the metaverse. Additionally, methodological guidelines are proposed to guide those interested in education and new technologies on how to engage with extended realities and prepare for the emergence of the edu-metaverse. The importance of understanding these new platforms is emphasized, even though metaversities may seem distant for Latin America. It is highlighted that inequalities in access to technology and education could worsen if not adequately addressed in the development of the metaverse, potentially widening the digital divide in the region.


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How to Cite

Iparraguirre-Bernaola, Álvaro, & Huamán-Huillca, M. (2023). Extended and immersive classrooms: Projects and projections on the education of the future in Latin American universities . Pangea Journal of Communication, 14(1), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.52203/pangea.v14i1.234