Management issues in corporate management utility for the prevention of environmental risks: the case of the children's magazine "Chispiola"


  • Mónica Abendaño Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Priscila Crespo Barzallo Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Centro Regional Cuenca



Strategic communication, Environmental education, Evaluation, Issues management


On Comunication Management Model Bridge (Nobell Alvarez, 2015), it was analyzed, measured and evaluated Strategic Communication in Elecaustro company, a public company of the Ecuadorian electric sector that generates electricity through many sources of production. Specifically the Annual Environmental Plan, a Draft Environmental Education released since 2006 by the company, by which is expected to consolidate in the local education system with a significant and important learning that allows the prevention and slowing the impacts studied negative environmental. For this, a theoretical-conceptual basis, which includes several issues that are the doctrinal basis for the development of research itself developed. Double documentary research and field strategy, based on an exploratory study, which allowed for a thorough analysis of the "Chispiola Child Magazine" and other activities in Cuenca city, it is also applied to raise awareness conservation of the environment. Semi-structured interviews, by which it was determined that the project has a high degree of hospitality, also encourages students and teachers committed to the generation of energy and environmental conservation were made; unfortunately limitations became apparent involvement in it.


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How to Cite

Abendaño, M., & Crespo Barzallo, P. (2015). Management issues in corporate management utility for the prevention of environmental risks: the case of the children’s magazine "Chispiola". Pangea Journal of Communication, 6(2), 39–48.