Measurement and evaluation in strategic communication. Case study Ministry of Environment of Ecuador


  • Karen Cesibel Valdiviezo Abad Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • María Teresa Sosa Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja



Strategic Communication, Measurement, Evaluation, Objectives, Strategic Plan


At present and given the high level of complexity and the great speed at which different organizations have evolved is essential recognition of communication as a practice and competitiveness axis of the same tool. One element that has certainly contributed to the construction of human relations should be assessed and measured in order to know the real contribution of this to the activities performed by the organization in general and at all levels.
This paper focuses on the analysis of strategic communication planning, Ministry of Environment (MAE), through managing the Communication in connection with the campaign "Tradition and conservation go hand in hand", the same as It will be evaluated through the application of the model called "Communication Managment Bridge".

With this measurement system is intended to determine whether the communication objectives of the selected organization are directly linked to the overall objectives of the campaign. Whereas the objectives may be considered necessary means to obtain desired results, they will generate great contributions depending on the clarity and quality of information.


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How to Cite

Valdiviezo Abad, K. C. ., & Sosa, M. T. (2015). Measurement and evaluation in strategic communication. Case study Ministry of Environment of Ecuador. Pangea Journal of Communication, 6(2), 1–12.